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Event Details

Name: China Charity (Doubles) Table Tennis Tournament 3PM
Fee: $25
Limit: 64
Start Date: 2/22/2020
End Date: 2/22/2020
Contact Person Name: Thomas Hu
Contact Person Number: 917-770-3382
Contact Person Email: thomas.hu@aytto.org

支援中国严峻的冠状病毒危机,美国青少年乒乓球组织(AYTTO纽约精英联盟(NYTTO)将会在222日星期六共同举办慈善乒乓球锦标赛。 活动将从上午9点开始直到结束。 该活动将在3448 Linden Place, Flushing, NY 11354 举行。 我们将举办单打和双打瑞士格式比赛。 运动员有机会与本地的高水平运动员竞争,同时也为社会作出贡献支持中国同胞,一齐面对疫症。所有注册费和捐款减除银行收费后将捐赠给湖北省十堰市,以抗击该疾病。 当天还将由迈克尔·杰克逊,珍妮弗·洛佩兹和玛丽亚·嘉莉的音乐制作人弗兰克·格兰特(Franklyn Grant)以及大提琴家刘Xueyang Liu)音乐表演。 更有特别为这个项目而作的新曲。

有关注册和捐赠,请https://aytto.com/Events/Details/110 and https://aytto.com/Events/Details/111







In response to the critical coronavirus crisis in China, American Youth Table Tennis Organization (AYTTO) and NYTTO will jointly organize charity table tennis tournament on Saturday February 22nd.  The event will start 9 am until the end of the day.  The event will take place at 3448 Linden Place, Flushing, NY 11354.  We will have both singles and doubles Swiss format competition.  Players have a chance to compete with high level athletes in the country as well as doing a great cause for humanity.  All proceeds and donations after bank charges will be donated to the city of Shiyan their effort to fight against the disease.  The day will also feature Music performance by Frank Grant who was formerly music engineer of Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Maria Carey as well as celloist Xueyang Liu.  Including new compositions specific for this event.  

For registration and donation, please visit:https://aytto.com/Events/Details/110  and https://aytto.com/Events/Details/111

Shiyan is a prefecture level city in Wuhan is a prefecture-level city in northwestern Hubei province, China, bordering Henan to the northeast, Chongqing to the southwest, and Shaanxi to the north and west.  Population of 3.4 million and 23 thousand Sq. Kilometer of area.  Wudang Mountain, Dan River and Dongfeng vehicles are the three most famous things from Shiyan.

Currently, there are over 40 thousand cases of Coronavirus in Hubei Province of which over 500 from the city of Shiyan.  Due to the critical viral situation, social and economic condition in Shiyan has been greatly, negatively affected. 

Shiyan is also the water source of Beijing.  The mountainous city is home to the central reservoirs redirecting water from southern China north to the capital of China.  The two citieshave frequent personnel exchange to share resources and experiences.  It is critical to ensure the safe and security of the Shiyan city for the benefit of both cities.

Shiyan currently has many urgent needs.  Citizens of Shiyan full heartedly appreciate the generous suppler on the American friends.  The proceeds raised will mainly go for the purchase of medical equipment such as masks, protective clothing, gargle, disinfectants (Details in spreadsheet)

Is Finished: Yes
Event Type: Open