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American Youth Table Tennis uses Volunteer Match for its volunteer postings and needs. We currently have a need for assistance in video - film production and in developing a science based curriculum. Please click on the icon for current listings.

AmeriCorps Volunteer

AYTTO has partnered with Up2Us Coach for America Program to offer an exciting coaching opportunity designed to inspire and reinvigorate a generation of young Americans threatened by obesity. CFA members will serve as coaches, experts and mentors—they will teach and support youth in under-resourced communities. Coach For America is funded by a National AmeriCorps grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service. The successful applicant will recieve a coaching stipend and a living allowance. 300 hours (6 hours a week) for one year. Please click here for additional information.

Volunteer at Events

We have a particular need for volunteers at our tournaments, and Saturday Academies. Interested, please let us know of your interest please click here for specific information on how you can help us.

Sign up for our Newsletter and Event Postings

Help support youth table tennis by signing up to our registry

Buy Equipment from ZYP! Sports LLC

ZYP! Sports LLC is a supplier of equipment to AYTTO. Should you wish to buy from ZYP!, ZYP! will donate 4% of the gross sales price in support of AYTTO programs. Interested in buying a table tennis robot? ZYP! is an authorized dealer for Newgy Industries. Click here for more information.

Make a Donation

AYTTO is funded by foundation grants, program fees, and by public minded individuals. We need your financial support to expand our programs and serve more inner-city youth.