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Overview: AYTTO offers free table tennis lessons to all of its students. Most of our programs operate within various school sites and community based organizations.

With the incorporation of table tennis as an official varsity sport of the New York City public schools, there is increased interest and activity. The schools we support in the 2015-16 school year is mapped below.

If you are a donor or interested in supporting our initiatives, please email thomas.hu@aytto.org or call us at 917-770-3382. We need your support and ideas.

Our coaches, many of whom are top athletes with international table tennis coaching experience, are trained to teach table tennis in a fun environment that promotes fitness, agility, self-esteem, strategic thinking, team work and fair play. Using our vast amount of table tennis knowledge and our familiarity with the latest developments in physical education, AYTTO takes this high skill sport and breaks it down into easy learning units.

Target Population: AYTTO programs target school-aged children, aged 8 to 17, in low income neighborhoods. Enrolled students, many of whom are disenfranchised from traditional team sports, collectively participate in a lifetime sport that is active, engaging and dynamic.


Clinics: AYTTO partners with local area clubs to provide youth between the age of 10 and 18 an opportunity to participate in world class table tennis instruction and group coaching. These clinics will provide your child with invaluable information, coaching and guidance.

High School League: AYTTO is now collaborating with the New York City Department of Education High School Table Tennis League. Interested schools should contact Mr. Andy Brockman for more information.

Mentorship Programs: This program is designed for your school location to occasionally receive training and instruction. If your location already has a program and wish to strengthen instruction and connect to our activities then a mentorship program is the option for you.

Middle School League: Each season AYTTO forms and organizes a middle school table tennis league in New York City. If you are a school who has 12 or more interested students please contact us.

Residency Programs: This program is designed for your school location to receive a dedicated table tennis program once or twice a week.

Summer Programs: AYTTO offers Summer Table Tennis Clinics for its students and for any junior interested in learning new skills. These summer programs are offered at PS 126M in lower Manhattan.

Tournaments: AYTTO runs several tournaments a year for its students and for outside players. Most school programs run monthly tournaments as well.

Training and Certification Seminars: AYTTO certified table tennis coach instructs teachers on how to teach table tennis to children. All teachers interested in learning how to coach table tennis to children or in becoming an AYTTO Coach.

Weekend Academy: AYTTO has created a three hour Weekend Academy aimed for those students who wish to learn more table tennis than what is offered during after school programs. Students participating in our Saturday Academy learn more advanced skills, participate in local area tournaments and work together as a team, forging new relationships and outlook that can extend into the school day.