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Event Details

Name: 10 Days/ 10 Pros Series (4 of 10) With Liu Juan 劉娟 7PM EST
Fee: $10
Limit: 20
Start Date: 10/26/2020
End Date: 10/26/2020
Contact Person Name: Thomas Hu
Contact Person Number: 917-770-3382
Contact Person Email: thomas.hu@aytto.org
This is the 4th of a total of 10 series for our 10 Days/ 10 Pros program in which 10 professional player will spend an hour to teach one of their signature skills to you.  The program will run 10 straight weeks.  Each class is about 45 minutes with 15 minutes of Q&A.  The Zoom link will be send to the students on the day before the lesson.  This week it will be our Olympian, Liu Juan, teaching Forehand Attack. She has a list of titles under her belt:
Member of 2020 US Olympic Table Tennis Team
2018 US Women's Singles Champion 2018 US Women's Doubles Champion
2012 US Open Women’s Single Champion
2007 World University Game Women’s Team, Women’s Double Champion
2001 – 2006 Chinese National Team
Is Finished: Yes
Event Type: Open
Flyer: Flyer - 10 Day 10 Pros -04 LIU Juan.pdf