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Event Details

Name: AYTTO January 2018 Invitational - Event 2 DOUBLES (NYC Public School) Sanctioned
Fee: $10
Limit: 32
Start Date: 1/27/2018
End Date: 1/27/2018
Contact Person Name: Edmund Suen
Contact Person Number: 347-219-1896
Contact Person Email: eksuen@gmail.com

VENUE:  FDR High School, 5800 20th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204


CHECK-IN: Please check in 15 min before your event start time.


HOST: American Youth Table Tennis Organization (AYTTO) and FDR HS, 5800 20th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204


COMMITTEE: Ben Nisbet, Thomas Hu (CR/CU), and Edmund Suen (CR/RU)-USATT Certified Referee, Timothy Lam


EQUIPMENT: ITTF approved equipment will be used: Tables & Nets and 3-star 40+ mm poly balls. Floor: Tiles


DEADLINE: January 24, 2018 Wednesday. No phone or walk in entries.


FORMAT: SWISS: 3-5 matches; Play against players with the same record; Will not play same players twice. The final positions are determined by the number of wins. Tie break is determined by the total number of wins of his/her opponents. RR/SE: Players will be assigned to a Round Robin (RR) group of 3-5 players. Top 1-2 players from each (RR) group will advance and compete in the play-off Singles Elimination (SE) stage All matches are 3 out of 5 games


RATINGS: Latest USATT rating file prior to January 20, 2018 will be used. Estimated rating will be assigned by Tournament Committee if USATT rating is not available.


ELIGIBILITY: All PSAL team members will be waived of USATT Membership Fees for this tournament. All other students must be either current USATT member, purchase annual USATT membership on site, or purchase a $20 tournament pass/annual membership to participate in Event 1.


DEFAULT POLICY: All entries must include full payment in order to be included in the draw(s). All ITTF/USATT regulations apply. Must abide by all USATT rules.


Tournament committee reserves the right to cancel any event if there are insufficient entries.


REFUND: Players will be refunded entry fees one week prior to tournament dates. Refunds will not be given for any withdrawals after that date No refund for no-show participants!


SOFTWARE: SportFist.com

Draws and results will be available online real-time via link: https://sportfist.com/TableTennis/Usatt/Results/Results/Sdt/193



Please access AYTTO link to register or login (www.aytto.org) and sign up for your events: Singles, Doubles, or Both. Once event is full, players will be put on a waiting list.


Online: www.aytto.org


Is Finished: Yes
Event Type: ByInvitation
Flyer: Entry Form AYTTO January 2018.2.pdf