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Event Details

Name: AYTTO November 2018 Championship - Event 2 DOUBLES (NYC Public School) Non-Sanctioned
Fee: $10
Limit: 32
Start Date: 11/10/2018
End Date: 11/10/2018
Contact Person Name: Edmund Suen
Contact Person Number: 3472191896
Contact Person Email: admin@aytto.org

VENUE:  FDR High School, 5800 20th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204


CHECK-IN: Please check in 15 min before your event start time.


HOST: American Youth Table Tennis Organization (AYTTO) and FDR HS, 5800 20th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204


COMMITTEE: Ben Nisbet, Thomas Hu (CR/CU), and Edmund Suen (CR/RU)-USATT Certified Referee, Timothy Lam


EQUIPMENT: ITTF approved equipment will be used: Tables & Nets and 3-star 40+ mm poly balls. Floor: Tiles


DEADLINE: November 7, 2018 Wednesday. No phone or walk in entries.


FORMAT: SWISS: 3-5 matches; Play against players with the same record; Will not play same players twice. The final positions are determined by the number of wins. Tie break is determined by the total number of wins of his/her opponents. All matches are 3 out of 5 games


RATINGS: Latest USATT rating file prior to November 3, 2018 will be used. Estimated rating will be assigned by Tournament Committee if USATT rating is not available.


ELIGIBILITY: All PSAL team members will be waived of USATT Tournament Pass $20 for this tournament. All other students must be either current USATT member, purchase annual USATT membership on site, or purchase a $20 tournament pass/annual membership to participate in Event 1. You do not need USATT membership to participate in Doubles event.


DEFAULT POLICY: All entries must include full payment in order to be included in the draw(s). All ITTF/USATT regulations apply. Must abide by all USATT rules.


Tournament committee reserves the right to cancel any event if there are insufficient entries.


REFUND: Players will be refunded entry fees one week prior to tournament dates. Refunds will not be given for any withdrawals after that date No refund for no-show participants!


SOFTWARE: SportFist.com

Draws and results will be available online real-time via link: https://sportfist.com/TableTennis/Usatt/Results/Results/Sdt/345



Please access AYTTO link to register or login (www.aytto.org) and sign up for your events: Singles, Doubles, or Both. Once event is full, players will be put on a waiting list.


Online: www.aytto.org

E-Mail: admin@aytto.org

Is Finished: Yes
Event Type: Open
Flyer: Entry Form AYTTO November 2018.pdf