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Event Details

Name: ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Seminar
Fee: $295
Limit: 20
Start Date: 4/24/2019
End Date: 4/28/2019
Contact Person Name: Sydney Christophe
Contact Person Number: 347-564-4142
Contact Person Email: sydchris2000@yahoo.com
Description: https://www.facebook.com/events/593095184435638/

Start/End time:
Day 1, 8am-3pm
Day 2-5, 9am -4pm

The ITTF Level 1 Coaching Manual formed the basis, containing syllabus and course material for:
 Community Leader Course-3 hour
 School Teacher Course-6 hour
 Club Coach Course-12 hour
 ITTF PTT Level 1 Course-30 hour
 All courses are cumulative.
ITTF-PTT Level 1 is the first level officially recognized by ITTF and has the following requirements
 Attendance at 30 hour course conducted by an ITTF approved Course Conductor
 10 minute Coaching Practical presentation during the course. A “PASS” is required to be eligible for ITTF Level 1
 After the course, 30 hours coaching practice must be completed. This coaching practice should be predominantly group coaching benefiting the table tennis community or junior or school groups. 
 From the 30 hours coaching practice, 5 hours must be supervised by the ITTF Course Conductor or a person appointed by the ITTF Course Conductor. This supervisor evaluates each coach using the “Confidential Coaching Report” [pages 299-301 of the
ITTF -PTT Level 1 Manual] This must be approved by the ITTF Course Conductor, who provides the certificates if all requirements are met.
Is Finished: Yes
Event Type: Open