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Event Details

Name: ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Seminar
Fee: $295
Limit: 20
Start Date: 8/27/2019
End Date: 8/31/2019
Contact Person Name: Sydney Christophe
Contact Person Number: 347-564-4142
Contact Person Email: sydchris2000@yahoo.com

 ITTF Level 1 Coaching Course


What:                     ITTF Level One Coaching Certification:   Increase your coaching knowledge and become an ITTF Level 1 Certified Coach.


More information on the ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) Coaching Certification process is available at www.ittf.com (Click on development tab)


Where:                   Flushing Table Tennis Center

                                43-17 Union Street

          Tel:  347-564-4142

When:                    August 27th -31st , 2019


Conductor:            SYDNEY CHRISTOPHE, ITTF Certified Course Conductor & Coach,            USATT Certified National Coach, Former Caribbean and            Central American champion.           Lead coach at American Youth Table Tennis Organization, www.aytto.org

           Caribbean Hall of Famer 2011.


Fee                          $295 for ITTF Coaching Course.

                                A $100 non-refundable deposit is required in advance to                                                     reserve your spot.

Make check payable and send to: Flushing Table Tennis Center 43-17 Union Street, Flushing NY 11355  or register online at aytto.com (after June 15th)


Manual                  ITTF-IPTTC Level 1 Coaching Manual - order in            advance from PaddlePalace.com.

           This is required. (Let us know by July 30th and we will order for you at $35 each.)


Agenda        Course will include ten 3-hour sessions, including the two 3-hour Paralympic sessions with half an hour break each day.


Tues, August 27th Time 10:00 am -5:00 p.m.

Session 1: Generic Coaching Principles, Coaching Beginners and School Coaching

Session 2: Coaching Beginners and Schools Coaching (practical), continued


Wed, August 28th Time 10:00 am- 5:00 p.m.

Session 3: Techniques beyond Basics

Session 4: Techniques Beyond Basics: continued


Thurs, August 29th Time 10:00 am -5:00 p.m.

Session 5: Techniques beyond basics continued (classroom and practical)

Session 6: Introduction to Physical Training and Sports Sciences

(classroom and gym)

Fri, August 30th Time 10:00 am– 5:00 p.m. 

Session 7: Tournament Organization and Rules, (classroom)

Session 8: Tournament Practical (Practical)

Sun, April 28th: Time 10:00 am -5:00 p.m.

Sessions 9 & 10:   Paralympic Table Tennis (wheelchair & standing disabled)

                                                   Practical testing


Other Information


Sydney Christophe            sydchris2000@yahoo.com   347-564-4142

Ben Nisbet                         bennisbet@yahoo.com   917-686-1911            


Email:                                flushing;tabletennis@gmail.com


Capacity:                           24 (Limited space register today).  Please note that

                                           This course is subject to cancelation should fewer

than   10 persons register.

Is Finished: Yes
Event Type: Open
Flyer: ITTF Coaching Course August 2019 FTTC.docx